College & Career

Our mission

Our College and Career Ministry is comprised of college-aged students and young professionals. The desire of this ministry at CGF Manhattan is to cultivate a community where young adults can learn to exalt the name of Jesus through the study of Scripture, the fostering of accountability and exhortation among one another, and the instilling of godly character.

We seek to help college students and young professionals understand how the truth of Jesus manifests in every facet of their lives-- from their interactions with their friends and family, as well as how they approach their school work and career goals.

We seek to make disciples of young adults by:
(1) Worshiping Jesus, (2) Equipping students with the Scriptures, and (3) Building gospel-centered community that allows them to be cared for. “So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.” (1 Thessalonians 2:8)

Get plugged in!

  • Service

    133 Allen Street
    New York, NY 10002

    We encourage all college students and working professionals to attend our 1:30pm service on Sundays to worship corporately.

  • Sunday School

    350 Grand Street
    New York, NY 10002

    Join us at 11:00am every Sunday before service at 350 Grand Street (5th Floor), as we grow in knowledge and love for the Lord together.

  • Bible Study Fellowship

    133 Allen Street
    New York, NY 10002

    After dinner at 6:30pm, we gather at 7:00pm to study the Word of God deeply. This time of fellowship is fruitful and intentional.

  • Monthly Fellowship

    We hold fellowship activities and events once a month for college students and working professionals to spend time together and grow in love for each other and the Lord.

We’d love to meet you

Whether you’re looking for a church home or just visiting, we’d love to see you in person this Sunday for service! Fill out a connect form beforehand, so we can serve you better.

Join our mailing list

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on our fellowships, events, and service opportunities